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Sr.No Name Description Link
1 SWAYAM SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) - is an initiative of the Indian Government that offers free online courses from various universities and institutions in India. They offer courses in various fields such as engineering, science, humanities, management, and more. The courses are accessible on their website and come with a certificate upon completion. https://swayam.gov.in/
2 NPTEL NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is a joint initiative of the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institute of Science, offering free online courses on various subjects such as engineering, science, management, humanities, and more. The courses come with a certificate upon completion and are accessible on their website. https://nptel.ac.in/
3 Coursera Coursera is an online learning platform that offers courses from top universities and organizations. Many courses on Coursera are free to audit, and you can also earn a free certificate if you complete the course with a passing grade. https://www.coursera.org/
4 edX edX is another online learning platform that offers courses from top universities and organizations. Most courses on edX are free to audit, and you can also earn a free certificate if you complete the course with a passing grade. https://www.edx.org/search?tab=course
5 FutureLearn FutureLearn offers a wide range of courses from top universities and organizations. Most courses on FutureLearn are free to audit, and you can also earn a free certificate if you complete the course with a passing grade. https://www.futurelearn.com/
6 OpenLearn OpenLearn is a free learning platform from The Open University. You can access over 1000 courses and earn a free statement of participation or a digital badge upon completion. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/
7 Alison Alison offers free online courses in a variety of subjects. You can earn a free certificate for completing a course, and Alison also offers diploma and degree programs for a fee. https://alison.com/
8 Udemy Udemy offers both free and paid online courses on various subjects such as programming, marketing, and design. You can learn at your own pace and receive a certificate upon completion of the course. https://www.udemy.com/
9 Harvard Online Learning Harvard offers several free online courses through their online learning platform. You can earn a certificate of completion for free for some of these courses. https://www.harvardonline.harvard.edu/
10 MIT OpenCourseWare MIT offers free online courses on their OpenCourseWare platform. While these courses don't offer a certificate upon completion, you can still learn a lot from the high-quality materials provided by MIT. https://ocw.mit.edu/
11 Stanford Online Stanford Online offers free online courses from Stanford University. You can enroll in courses for free and learn at your own pace https://online.stanford.edu/
12 Codecademy Codecademy offers free and paid courses on programming and web development. You can learn at your own pace and receive a certificate upon completion of the course. https://www.codecademy.com/
13 Global Landscapes Forum Free, open access learning opportunities on the landscape approach. Browse our courses, events and resources to get started. https://academy.globallandscapesforum.org/courses-list/


The college is situated in the northern area of the city surrounded by beautiful hills and breathtaking greenery. Situated in the thickly tribal populated area the college has its own spacious campus and building. It has well stocked Library and UGC funded Network Resource Centre.


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